Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani Serial Actress Shocking Bikini Pictures

Vahbiz Dorabjee television serial actress from Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani, playing the role of (Panchi Dobriyal) showing her hot Bikini pictures to make people's provoked. Vahbiz Dorabjee Bikini Pictures in Pool looks sexy and chubby. Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani panchi hot pics on MasalaShop

Vahbiz Dorabjee Colorful Bikini pictures is too hot to handle. Vahbiz Dorabjee has won an award for Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani for the character of Panchi Dobriyal. Vahbiz Dorabjee hosted the web show Showbiz with Vahbiz, in which famous TV actors were interviewed. It was more like a fun talk show.

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During Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani serial Vahbiz Dorabjee and Vivian Dsena are dating with each other. In 2013 they got engaged but after few years their marriage didn't worked on, soon their marriage was literally in shatters and Both announced their separation in 2016. The divorce announcement came as a shock to all their Viewers.

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Since then Vahbiz Dorabjee and Vivian Dsena has been living separately. However, the couple is not yet granted divorce. Now, Vahbiz has filed for divorce and accused Vivian of domestic violence. Vahbiz Dorabjee demands Rs 2 crore alimony amount. According to recent News, their divorce is getting delayed due to never-ending discussions over alimony amount.

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Also, in recent interview with Pinkvilla, she asked why it is the woman who is blamed every time and said that she is not afraid to put forward her opinions. "Everyone around is talking about women empowerment in our country... Really? And this is how you ridicule a woman? I am a very strong woman," she told

In a conversation with Times Of India, Vahbiz expressed her anger by saying, "There's not much truth to the story that is floating in the media related to the alimony. I am enraged and I kept quiet for way too long. I always thought someday this will come to an end and it will stop, but it is going on. People are writing rubbish stuff without even trying to talk to me.

I am very upset with the irresponsible journalism that people are doing. It's better I speak now. There's not much truth about the rumour of alimony. Yes, the divorce is not through and there are reasons for it. The matter is in court and I don't want to disrespect it.

People talk about women empowerment. So many celebrity divorces have happened I don't understand why nobody questioned them. she was trolled by viewers about divorce that you are from rich family and why do you have to ask for alimony.

She has given the answers to her trollers and media by posting feed on an Instagram.

Vahbiz was last seen in Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant whereas Vivian is currently playing the lead role in Shakti-Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki.

Vahbiz Dorabjee Looks chubby in Swimming Pool with Swimming Costume. She belongs from rich family.


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