Scam 1992 actress Shreya Dhanwanthary stunned in bikini pictures

Scam 1992 actress Shreya Dhanwanthary stunned in 15 bikini pictures. Shreya Dhanwanthary bikini pictures shows how dusky girl looks sexy in bikini outfit. Shreya Dhanwanthary hot in bikini picutres only on Masalashop.

Shreya Dhanwanthary bikini pictures

Shreya Dhanwanthary is an Indian Actress, author and Model. Shreya Dhanwanthary nickname is Reya , her parents and close friend called with this name. Shreya Dhanwanthary born on 30th November 1988. Shreya Dhanwanthary age is 32 years old (Till 2020). Shreya Dhanwanthary born at Hyderabad, India.

Shreya Dhanwanthary hot in bikini

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Shreya Dhanwanthary height is 173cm which is about 5'8" in inches feet. Shreya Dhanwanthary weight is 122lbs around 55 in kg. Shreya Dhanwanthary is not fair, she is one of the black beauty from Bollywood actress. Shreya Dhanwanthary have perfect figure of 32-26-32 which is in hot category.

Shreya Dhanwanthary hot

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Shreya Dhanwanthary completed her school life from various schools from Middle East. Shreya Dhanwanthary completed her college from National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana. Shreya Dhanwanthary completed Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication.

Shreya Dhanwanthary in bikini

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Shreya Dhanwanthary has arabic tattoo on right wrist. Shreya Dhanwanthary hobbies list are more than any actresses, her hobbies are reading, writing , photography, debating, chess, carom, swimming, pool, trekking, parasailing. Shreya Dhanwanthary family of 5. She has brother and sister. Her Sister name is Shruthi Dhanwanthary.

Shreya Dhanwanthary bikni

Shreya Dhanwanthary favourite actress is Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Deepika Padukne. Shreya Dhanwanthary favorite actor is Akshay Kumar. Shreya Dhanwanthary favorite film is Arrival. Shreya Dhanwanthary favourite author is Stephen King, Agatha Christie. Shreya Dhanwanthary loves street food the most.

Shreya Dhanwanthary is well trained dancer in Bharatnatyam,Kathak and Kuchipudi. Shreya Dhanwanthary is 1st runner up in Pantaloons Feminal Miss India at the age of 20. Shreya Dhanwanthary also finalist in Miss India in the year of 2008. when she shifted to Mumbai from Delhi, she was doing part time job for earning.

Shreya Dhanwanthary got offer from leading brands like Sasmusng, Fastrack, Airtel, Pantaloons, Vogue, Gitanjali, Bharat Matrimony, Provogue, Safi etc during her modelling phase. Shreya Dhanwanthary got her first acting break in telgue movie 'Sneha Geetham' in 2010.

Shreya Dhanwanthary coming highlights in acting from famous web series Scam 1992:Harshad Mehta. Shreya Dhanwanthary bikini pictures are extremely hot and beautiful.

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