Sexiest Indian TV actress in Asia

Sexiest Indian TV actress in Asia. Indian Famous TV actress competing with bollywood actress in sexiest tag in Asia. Recently "Eastern Eye" newspaper announces list of sexiest women in Asia. This Indian TV Actress also outperform Bollywood celebrities

Helly Shah has famous actress from Swaragini  who makes 11th rank in Asia's Sexiest actress.

Nia Sharma who makes 8th rank in Asia's Sexiest actress.

Yeh Rishta Kya Kahalata Hai Fame Shivangi Joshi is in 7th rank & also surpassed Priyanka Chopra.
Drashti Dhami the popular actress on the small screen, is ranked 6th rank on the list of the sexiest women in Asia in the decade


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'Sanjeevani' fame Surabhi Chandna is on the rank of 5th.
Actress Hina Khan, who reached home from the 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kahalata Hai'  series and also runner-up of Big Boss 11 is 3rd on the list. She has surpassed bollywood leading actresses like Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra.

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