Jackie Shroff Daughter Sexy and Bold Pictures

Krishna Shroff is daughter of Bollywood famous actor Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Shroff. She is also know for sister of famous actor and dancer Tiger Shroff. Krishna Shroff bold and sexy bikini Pictures on social media shows, she is bikini lover. Krishna Shroff bikini pictures is too hot too handle. Krishna Shroff bold and sexy bikini Pictures with tatoo on Masalashop

Krishna Shroff is born on 21st January 1993 (27 years old till 2020). she is born in Mumbai. In her family everyone called her kishu. Krishna Shroff is not inteested in film industry. Her profession is producer where She is the Associate Producer of an internationally approved and award winning documentary "BlacK Sheep".

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Krishna Shroff height is 163cm which is 5'3" inches. Her weight is about 121lbs(55kg). Her slim figure measurement is 35-26-34 which suits her in bikini. Her eye color is Dark Brown.She made so many tattoos on her body.

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Krishna Shroff completed her school life in American School of Bombay, Mumbai.She loves photography and travelling and make adventures and captures natures photo. Her favourite place is Goa where every vacation she went to Goa.

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Krishna Shroff shows topless pictures on socail media criticize her and also made a lot of headlines. She has two boyfriend. Krishna Shroff first boyfriend is basketball player whose name is Eban Hymas. Krishna and Eban dated more than a year.

In the 2020, couple even celebrated their dating anniversary. On Instagram Live, Eban even confirmed that marriage was on the card. But it didn't worked out, Krishna has confirmed on Instagram that both are split.

Before Eban, Krishna had brazillian boyfriend Spensor Johnson. Spensor Johnson is Brazillian Athelete but their relationsip also didn't worked out

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