Indian Cricketer’s Wife Never Ever Seen 10 bikini pictures

Indian Cricketer's wife Never Ever Seen 10 bikini pictures whose name is Natasa Stankovic. Natasa Stankovic is the wife of Indian Cricketer Hardik pandya. Natasa Stankovic is an bollywood actress and model. Natasa Stankovic bikini pictures in black color shows how extremely hot she is. Natasa Stankovic in bikini pictures on Masalashop. Natasa Stankovic is one of the hottest wife from Indian Cricketers team.

Natasa Stankovic born on 4th March 1992. Natasa Stankovic is 28 years old till 2020.
Natasa Stankovic birth place is Pozarevac,Serbia, Europe. Natasa Stankovic hobbies of dancing at the age of 3 years.

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Natasa Stankovic completed her school from Ballet High School, Novi Sad, Serbia. Natasa Stankovic nationality is Serbian. Natasa Stankovic dance for seventeen years in Ballet dance School where she learnt so many dance forms.

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Natasa Stankovic started her modelling at the age of 17 and she simultaneously do dance as well as modelling. Natasa Stankovic participated in beauty pageant. she won the title of Miss sports of Serbia.

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After wining title Natasa Stankovic decided to make career in modelling and acting and shifted to India.Natasa come to Mumbai and started her modelling. Natasa Stankovic got opportunity to featured in Advertisement in various brands like Johnson & Johnson, Philips, Cadbury and Durex.

Natasa Stankovic loves pizza the most. Natasa Stankovic favourite Actor is Shahrukh Khan. Natasa favourite singer is Sako polumenta.

Natasa Stankovic made her debut in Bollywood with item song Aiyo ji Hamri Atariya Mein from movie Satyagrah in 2013. After that she got special apperance in many big flims like Zero and Fukrey returns.

Natasa Stankovic make flim debut from kannada movie Dana kayonu in the year of 2016 and in between she was doing item song in different industries like Bollywood and Tamil. Natasa Stankovic famous for item song of Dj Waley Babu song which is composed by Badshah

Natasa Stankovic had so many affairs. Her first boyfriend from television actor Aly Goni but their relationship didn't work out. Natasa Stankovic had model boyfriend Sam Merchant but they also split. After She made her relationship with Indian famous crickter Hardik pandya and they got engaged in 1st Jan 2020.

Natasa Stankovic and Hardik pandy blessed with boy whose name is Agastya. Natasa Stankovic quit Bollywood flims and item song after marriage with Hardik pandya.

Natasa Stankovic also participated in Big Boss 8. Natasa Stankovic also shown in cover of just urban Magazine in October 2018. Now Natasa spending time with her husband Hardik pandya and her son Agastya.

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